
Electrical FAQs

To some people, I realise that employing any trades person can be confusing with various acronyms, trade organisations and logos etc.

Therefore, below I’ve tried to explain some of the things you may have seen or heard about in relation to electrical work.

If, after reviewing this information and the services offered on the previous tab and there is something you cannot find or you require any further information – please do not hesitate to contact me as I will be happy to answer any queries or offer advice.
Who are NICEIC?
National Inspection Council for Electrical Installation Contracting
The NICEIC are a governing body that continually assess the technical competence of contractors. The aim of the NICEIC is to protect people from having unsafe electrical installation work carried out in their homes and businesses. To combat unlawful installation work being carried out a register of Electrical Contractors is maintained by the NICEIC. These contractors comply with various standards, codes of practice and scheme rules.
For more information visit: www.niceic.com
Why use a Registered Electrician?NICEIC registered electricians have to meet stringent membership requirements, they are assessed on their premises, documentation, equipment, electrical qualifications, public liability insurance and competence. Once registered, they are re-assessed on a regular basis to ensure high standards are maintained. They also require specific working practices to be in place, such as maintenance of test equipment, customer complaints procedures and risk assessments. Registered electricians are also the only people that can legally certify and sign off completed work which requires notification under Part P of the Building Regulations, which covers most electrical work now done in the home.
Who is the ESC?
Electrical Safety Council
The ESC are a UK charity that’s dedicated to keeping people safe by reducing the risk of electrical accidents around the home and in the work place providing a useful source of information.
For more information visit: www.esc.org.uk
What is Part P?
Part P was introduced in January 2005, and forms the electrical part of the Building regulations .It now requires that most of the electrical work in your home needs to be carried out by a registered competent electrician and is notified to the Local Building Control Office. For more information visit: www.planningportal.gov.uk/buildingregulations
What is the Registered Competent Person Register?
The Registered Competent Person Electrical single mark and register went live on 30th June 2014 and was officially launched in Parliament on 2nd July 2014. It was created following an agreement between all Government-approved electrical Competent Person Scheme Operators in England and Wales. The single mark and register aims to raise awareness of electrical safety in the home by simplifying the task of finding and checking a competent, registered electrician. All electrical enterprises listed and permitted to display the mark are registered to undertake work on domestic electrical installations under the Competent Person Scheme, introduced by the Government, to allow individuals and enterprises to self-certify that their work complies with the Building Regulations. These electricians meet strict qualification requirements and their work is regularly assessed by their electrical Competent Person Scheme Operator to ensure their ongoing competence. The list of Government-approved electrical Competent Person Scheme Operators, their requirements and how they are authorised can be found on the www.gov.uk
Electrical installation

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